Electronic Recyclers International

Electronic Recycling & E-waste Company | ITAD

Can You Help In Electronic Recycling?

You can actually help solve the e-waste problem that so many countries face at the moment. Starting with local electronic recycling activities might be a good beginning and will eventually make a positive impact on our environment with the passage of time.

You can begin by counting the number of electronic gadgets your family has. Yes, like they say that charity begins at home, we have to start at home and then gradually move to national electronic recycling efforts that would involve everyone we know.

So, coming back to your favorite electronic gadgets such as your iPad or Video game console or smart TV and how many hours you use them. Then count the number of gadgets your family members use. A small to medium family uses 24 gadgets on an average and that number is actually quite big!

But none of us ever thinks about what would happen to them when they go obsolete. What would you do when they finally run out of juice for good or when they give up permanently? Do you know what happens to these gadgets when you throw them away? Ewaste companies all over the globe tell us to dispose of these products safely and diligently. They even write down the instructions on the product or their packaging so that the consumers are able to follow safe and unified electronic recycling procedures.

Most Of Us Don't Know What To Do With Our Old Electronics

Don't Throw Them In The Trash

Yes, never trash them because they are not your regular kitchen waste or tetra packs that are going to decompose lying around in a dumpster. We need to understand that e-waste is not meant to go in your trash cans even if it is the small stuff like discs or phones or batteries. These contain toxic and dangerous substances that are chemical based and they can be very harmful for the environment when disposed this carelessly. Another thing that we don't realize is that these contain rather large amounts of valuable metals that can be effectively recycled and put to use again.

Passing Them On For Reuse

Now this is a more intelligent move and it should be encouraged among everyone you know. Sometimes you may come across some gadgets that still work without any problems but since you have a better or a newer version of it in its place, you may find it useless. It is better to pass it on to someone who might actually have use for it rather than throwing it away. If there is nobody in your friend circle or family who would find it useful, you can always donate it to charity. More on e-waste recycling in our next post, so stay tuned!

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